The final solution code is Q29uZ3JhdHNfVGhpc19Jc190aGVfQm9udXMh

If you would like your name to be featured in comment pinned to the top of this video, please email me (cut and paste above code) the final solution code, or at least the first 8 digits of it  to This will be for the first 3 people that get the right answer.  Be sure to let me know how you would like your name to appear.

*** As a bonus challenge, that code could have another meaning.   If you figure that one out email it to me also. ***

If you have not already commented, please do that and let me know if the challenges were fun and if they were easy or hard, or feel free to just send that in the email.

I tried to err on the side of it being easier for this first one, but I have no idea if this is easier or harder.   I could make the challenges a little or a lot harder, so please let me know.

